Bokoblins appear as common Enemies in Breath of the Wild, often encountered in primitive Monster Strongholds. They can be found resting inside their camps at night and hunting Boars during the day. Monster Strongholds are often guarded by Bokoblins on small watchtowers.
If one of these Bokoblins spots Link, they will sound their horn, alerting the other Enemies to Link's presence. There are many varieties of Bokoblins, including the standard red Bokoblin, Blue Bokoblins, Black Bokoblins, Silver Bokoblins, and in Master Mode, Golden Bokoblins. Bokoblins often carry weapons of the Bokoblin Gear equipment archetype, such as the Boko Clubs, Boko Bats, Boko Spears and Boko Bows. Stronger Bokoblins are often equipped with Spiked and Dragonbone versions of this gear, alongside Soldier's Broadswords, Knight's Broadswords and Royal Broadswords at higher tiers.
Bokoblins that lack Weapons will either swipe at Link if he is nearby or dig up rocks to throw at him in lieu of any objects in the vicinity. If there are any large rocks, Barrels, or Bomb Barrels, Bokoblins will attempt to pick them up and hurl them at Link. When equipped with a wooden melee Weapon while near a source of fire, they will ignite their Weapon to burn Link with it. At night, Bokoblins will sleep on the ground face-up as bubbles rise from their nostrils. When defeated, Bokoblins may drop Bokoblin Fangs, Bokoblin Horns, and Bokoblin Guts. Bokoblins cannot swim and will drown if forced into deep water.
Lizalfos appear as chameleon-like enemies in Breath of the Wild. They will camouflage to their environment and wait for Link to get near before ambushing him. They are adept swimmers, and can spit globs of water at Link to hit him from long range. There are several varieties of Lizalfos, including Blue Lizalfos, Black Lizalfos, Silver Lizalfos, Fire-Breath Lizalfos, Ice-Breath Lizalfos, Electric Lizalfos, and in Master Mode, Golden Lizalfos. They primarily use weapons of the Lizalfos Gear equipment archetype, such as Lizal Spears that they also use to hunt for fish. They are sometimes also encountered utilizing Hylian-made weapons. When defeated, they may drop Lizalfos Horns, Lizalfos Talons, and Lizalfos Tails.
Electric Lizalfos, found in places such as the Gerudo Desert and Zonai Ruins, have electrified horns that they can use to generate an electric field. If Link manages to hit said horn with an Arrow, it will cause the Electric Lizalfos to discharge involuntarily. He can use this to his advantage to electrocute nearby enemies. Ice-Breath Lizalfos, typically found in cold areas, will spit icy projectiles at Link, and are weak to Fire. Fire-Breath Lizalfos, found in Scorching Climates such as Death Mountain and the Gerudo Desert, can breathe Fire at Link and are vulnerable to Ice.
In Breath of the Wild, Moblins have a lankier and taller stature than of previous games, which they sustain with an exclusively carnivorous diet. They often wield Moblin Clubs, which they use to bludgeon opponents, or Moblin Spears. When defeated, they may drop Moblin Fangs, Moblin Horns and Moblin Guts. If unarmed, they will sometimes pick up Bokoblins, if any are within reach, and toss them at Link. Like Bokoblins, they cannot swim and will drown if they are forced into deep water.
Water Octoroks are commonly found in bodies of water in West Necluda and Hyrule Field in Breath of the Wild. They are now different from the regular Octoroks, being colored with a plant on their head. Like the other variants of Octorok in Breath of the Wild, Water Octoroks camouflage with their environment, staying submerged underwater in one spot, with only the plant on their head visible, and their blue color blending in with the water.
Once Link gets close enough to a Water Octorok, it will spot him and begin to leap out of the water every few seconds to spit a rock at him. Link can be hit with a Water Octorok's rock while moving due to its ability to track his movements both horizontally and vertically, aiming its rocks for the direction he is moving.
Link will always be hit by its rocks if walking or, if close enough, running in a straight line. While it is raining, Water Octoroks will inflate like balloons and float above the water due to the drop in barometric pressure that occurs during rain, causing their internal Octo Balloons to inflate.
Treasure Octoroks are a type of Octorok that lives in sandy and snowy areas. They bury themselves in the sand or snow disguised as a buried Treasure Chest, jumping out if close enough. They then burrow back into the ground, digging away from Link. Their Treasure Chests are not magnetic, therefore, they cannot be pulled out with the Magnesis Rune. If struck with a Remote Bomb, they will pop out of the ground confused, leaving themselves open for an attack. When defeated, Treasure Octoroks leave behind several Rupees alongside their spoils.
Snow Octoroks live on snow-covered land and can burrow through the snow. They hide within the snow and disguises themselves as a patch of grass until someone comes within range of them, at which point they will spit Snowballs at their target. If Link gets too close to a Snow Octorok, it hides in the snow to protect itself. Link can force them out of the snow by attacking the grass on their head while they are hiding. Link can also perform a Perfect Guard with any Shield to deflect their Snowballs back at them.
In Breath of the Wild, Rock Octoroks primarily live in Eldin Canyon and Eldin Mountains, but they can also be found in Gerudo Highlands. They inhale massive loads of air and then spit out an explosive fire rock at their target. Getting too close to one causes it to take cover and hide underground with the rock on its head as protection. Link can defeat them by placing a Remote Bomb in its path while it inhales air and detonating the Bomb after the Octorok swallows it. If a Rock Octorok swallows a piece of Rusty Gear during the inhaling process, it will pause to crunch it in its mouth and, afterwards, shoot it back out as a clean counterpart.

After being cleaned, there is a 50% chance that the item will be shot out as its corresponding item in the Traveler's Gear archetype, a 35% chance that it will be of the Soldier's Gear, a 10% chance that it will be of the Knight's Gear, and a 5% chance that it will be of the Royal Gear.
Forest Octoroks are a type of Octorok that have adapted to live in forests. They hide underground and disguise themselves as shrubbery, jumping out if a person wanders close enough. If a Forest Octorok spots Link, it will spit rocks at him from afar. These can be deflected by a performing a Perfect Guard, which defeats the Forest Octorok in the process. If their shrubbery is cut, Forest Octoroks will pop out of the ground in confusion, leaving themselves open for an attack.
Guardian Stalkers are a type of Guardian found throughout Hyrule, most commonly in the area surrounding Hyrule Castle. They were built by the ancient Sheikah to be used as a powerful weapon against Calamity Ganon.
During the events of Breath of the Wild, they are an enemy to Link under Calamity Ganon's influence. Guardian Stalkers have 1500 health and can fire powerful blue laser beams from their eye that can deal up to 58 points of damage. If a target is too close to them, they will attempt to distance themselves in order to fire their lasers; otherwise, they will relentlessly pursue the target until they lose track of it.
Sometimes when firing their lasers, they will fire in rapid succession if their health is low enough and Link has not moved too far from when they fired their last laser. These rapid lasers will stop if Link gets hit too far from their last firing point, if Link is no longer within their range, or at a random stopping point.
In Breath of the Wild, Lynels are a strong and intelligent type of Monster that have resided in Hyrule since ancient times. They come in five different variations: the standard red-maned Lynels, Blue-Maned Lynels, White-Maned Lynels, Silver Lynels, and the Master Mode exclusive Golden Lynels. Lynels exclusively use Weapons of the Lynel Gear equipment archetype, of which they are the sole source. The only exception to this is the Lynel encountered in the Coliseum Ruins, which carries a Flameblade when encountered as a Silver Lynel. They are capable of wielding Lynel Crushers and Lynel Spears with a single hand, despite them being two-handed Weapons when held by Link. They can also be equipped with Arrows, Fire Arrows, Ice Arrows, Shock Arrows, or Bomb Arrows.
Electric Wizzrobes are a type of Wizzrobe that are often found skipping around Ruined Houses throughout Hyrule. They are most common on Hyrule Ridge and in West Necluda. They have yellow eyes and wear white robes with a yellow hood. Electric Wizzrobes wield a Lightning Rod, which can shoot balls of Electricity or summon Electric Chuchus and Electric Keese.
When an Electric Wizzrobe spots Link, it waves to him before initiating battle. They will often become invisible and reappear before attacking Link with their Lightning Rod. When invisible, they can be tracked by the trail they leave with each step. If Link is struck with the Lightning Rod's Electricity, he will drop any metal Weapons he has equipped. This can be avoided by using Weapons made from wood or Ancient Technology. Electric Wizzrobes drop their Lightning Rods upon their defeat.
Thunder Wizzrobes are a variant of Electric Wizzrobes. They attack by using their Thunderstorm Rods to cast three balls of electricity, to summon Electric Chuchus and Electric Keese, as well as to summon thunderstorms that will strike Link if he is wielding any metallic Weapon. Thunder Wizzrobes will turn invisible after attacking, however, they leave trails below them. Performing a headshot will stun them, giving Link time to attack. After defeat, they will drop their Thunderstorm Rods.
In Breath of the Wild, Fire Wizzrobes can be found all throughout Hyrule, particularly in the ruins of former Hylian settlements. They attack by using their Fire Rods to conjure fireballs or by summoning flaming Monsters such as Fire Chuchus and Fire Keese. They are also able to increase an area's Temperature, making it too hot for Link without Flame Guard.
Fire Wizzrobes, like their other Wizzrobes, will become invisible after attacking, leaving ripples in the air with each footstep. Striking their heads with an Arrow will stun them, giving Link time to attack. Hitting Fire Wizzrobes with Ice-based attacks will immediately evaporate them. Upon their defeat, Fire Wizzrobes drop their Fire Rods.
Meteo Wizzrobes are a stronger variant of the Fire Wizzrobe. They attack by using their Meteor Rods to conjure 3 Fireballs as well as by summoning flaming monsters such as Fire Chuchus and Fire Keese. They are also able to increase the area's temperature, making it too hot for Link without heat-resistant Armor or Elixirs. The Meteo Wizzrobe, like other Wizzrobes, will become invisible after attacking, leaving ripples in the air with each footstep. Striking it in the head with an Arrow will stun it and give Link time to attack. Hitting it with an ice attack, such as with Ice Arrows or a Frostblade, will immediately evaporate the Wizzrobe. Upon defeat, Meteo Wizzrobes drop their Meteor Rod.
Ice Wizzrobes can be found near ruins around the Gerudo Highlands and Hyrule Field regions in Breath of the Wild. They attack by using their Ice Rods to summon blasts of cold air or by summoning frozen monsters such as Ice Chuchus and Ice Keese. They also create blizzards to decrease the area's temperature, making it too cold for Link without cold-resistant Armor or Elixirs. Ice Wizzrobes, like their variants, will turn invisible after attacking, leaving ripples in the air with each footstep. Striking one in the head with an Arrow will stun it and give Link time to attack. Hitting it with a fire-based attack, such as with a Fire Arrow or a Flameblade, will immediately evaporate it. When defeated, Ice Wizzrobes drop their Ice Rods.
Blizzrobes are a variant of the Ice Wizzrobe. They attack by using their Blizzard Rods to dispel a huge freezing blast of air, in addition to summoning Monsters such as Ice Chuchus or Ice Keese. They also cause blizzards that decrease the surrounding area's temperature, making it too cold for Link without cold-resistant Armor and Elixirs.
Like other Wizzrobes, Blizzrobes will turn invisible after attacking, leaving ripples in the air with each footstep. Striking them in the head with an Arrow will stun them, allowing Link an opportunity to attack. Hitting them with Fire-based attacks, such as those from a Fire Arrow or a Flameblade, will immediately evaporate a Blizzrobe. When defeated, Blizzrobes drop their Blizzard Rod.
Stone Taluses appear as a cluster of boulders at first, but once approached, they assemble into large golem-like beings. Luminous, Rare, Frost, and Igneo variations can also be found all around Hyrule. Stone Taluses are fairly large compared and deal important amounts of damage. They are very slow-moving, so as long as Link stays behind or beneath them, he will be out of harm's way. Stone Taluses can use their large arm structures to punch and swipe across the ground, dealing heavy damage to the impact area. They can also fall forward and crash their entire body into the ground or launch large fragments of their rocky frame at Link.
Frost Taluses are Stone Taluses composed of enchanted Ice. They can be found in cold, snowy areas throughout the Hebra and Gerudo Regions, particularly the Hebra Mountains and Gerudo Highlands. These Taluses disguise themself as Icy rock formations. They are coated in Ice and will freeze Link upon contact, making it impossible for Link to climb them normally.
Igneo Taluses are a variation of Stone Taluses that are indigenous to the Eldin Canyon. They disguise themselves as the molten rocks that can be found throughout the Canyon.
Igneo Taluses attack patterns are much the same as their Stone counterparts. However, if Link comes into direct contact with with an Igneo Talus, he will catch Fire. To prevent this, he can wear Flamebreaker Armor that has been enhanced twice by a Great Fairy, as its Fireproof Set Bonus will protect him. Alternatively, Link can attack the Talus with Ice-based Weapons to cool it down temporarily.
Hinoxes appear as Sub-Bosses found in different locations across Hyrule in Breath of the Wild, typically sleeping in a forest clearing. They come in three varieties: the default red Hinoxes, Blue Hinoxes, and Black Hinoxes, and they are the largest Monsters that can be found. A Stal version of Hinoxes, known as Stalnoxes, will become active at night. They are depicted as giant Bokoblin-like creatures with a single eye in their forehead, wearing a necklace strung with several Weapons as decoration. If Link sneaks up on Hinoxes, he can steal the equipment from their necklaces without being detected.
Hinoxes spend most of their time sleeping, only engaging Link when woken. Once awake, they will use physical attacks such as swipes and punches, as well as pulling up nearby Trees in order to toss them at Link. If Link Climbs out of their reach, regular Hinoxes and Blue Hinoxes will throw small Boulders at him, while Black Hinoxes use Bomb Barrels. Shooting an Arrow at the eye will result in the monster being stunned and open to attacks until it recovers.
Molduga are giant Monsters that swim through the Sand of the Gerudo Desert. They resemble four-legged Fish and patrol their territories in search of prey. Molduga are sensitive to sound, and they will rise out of Sand to eat whatever they can find. As a result, it is considered dangerous to enter the domain of a Molduga. Once they become aware of Link's presence, Molduga will barrel towards and attempt to ram into him. Molduga can be fought while Shield Surfing with the help of a Sand Seal. Due to their sensitivity to loud noises, Link can strike them with Remote Bombs or Bomb Arrows, causing them to be stunned once they jump out of the Sand. When defeated, Molduga drops one or two Treasure Chests containing various Weapons, Molduga Fins, and Molduga Guts.
Master Kohga is the leader of the Yiga Clan, an opposing Clan to the Sheikah who hunt Link on a ceaseless mission. Master Kohga is a respected figure of authority, but he spends most of his time napping and loafing around. He loves Mighty Bananas the most. Master Kohga is known to possess many secrets about the Sheikah.
Link meets Master Kohga during the "Divine Beast Vah Naboris" Main Quest outside of the exit of the Yiga Clan Hideout, near the edge of the Yiga Clan Hideout Chasm. Initially, he berates Link for invading his napping spot. However, Master Kohga will then recognize the Sheikah Slate he is carrying, which causes him to realize that Link is the hero he has been looking for. He comments on his luck, as Link wandered right into the Yiga Clan Hideout while all of his scouts are looking for him. Master Kohga introduces himself to Link, and he tells him to prepare himself before he attacks.
In Breath of the Wild, Fireblight Ganon is one of the four Blight Ganon, phantoms of Calamity Ganon that took control of the Divine Beasts. It is found either inside the Divine Beast Vah Rudania or in the center of Hyrule Castle if it is not already defeated. Fireblight Ganon is responsible for the demise of Daruk. It is particularly weak to Ice attacks.
Windblight Ganon is one of the four Blight Ganon, phantoms of Calamity Ganon that took control of the Divine Beasts. It is found either atop the Divine Beast Vah Medoh or in the center of Hyrule Castle if it is not already defeated. Windblight Ganon is responsible for the death of Revali.
Link requires protection from the cold to resist the cold damage during his fight against Windblight Ganon. The battle, taking place atop Divine Beast Vah Medoh, has two main phases. During the first phase, Windblight Ganon will fly and teleport around the area, firing powerful blue energy blasts at Link; Revali warns Link that these attacks are incredibly accurate. It will also fire large tornadoes at Link.
Waterblight Ganon is one of the four Blight Ganon, phantoms of Calamity Ganon that took control of the Divine Beasts and responsible for the death of the Zora champion Mipha. He can be found either in Divine Beast Vah Ruta after trying to activate the main terminal, or in Hyrule Castle if Link has not freed Ruta.
Like the other Blight Ganons, Waterblight Ganon's weak point is his eye and horns. Landing repeated strikes to either spot with arrows will knock Waterblight Ganon to the ground, providing Link with the opportunity to attack while he is stunned. An arrow to Waterblight Ganon's eye will also cancel out any attacks that he attempts. Using an Ancient Arrow or Shock Arrow in particular will deal heavier damage to Waterblight Ganon. If Link has obtained the Master Sword at this point, its current attack power of 30 will rise to 60 while within Ruta.
Thunderblight Ganon is one of the four Blight Ganon, phantoms of Calamity Ganon that took control of the Divine Beasts.[6] It is found either inside the Divine Beast Vah Naboris or in the center of Hyrule Castle if it is not already defeated. It is responsible for bringing Urbosa to her demise.
Calamity Ganon is known as a primal evil that has appeared throughout Hyrule's history. 10,000 years before the events of Breath of the Wild, he appeared to ravage the world, in an event known as the Great Calamity. In preparation for this, the Sheikah built a massive army of mechanical weapons called Guardians to aid the unnamed hero and princess. Four massive mobile fortresses known as Divine Beasts served as the centerpieces of this army. With this collaboration between the Sheikah and the Hylians, Ganon was sealed beneath Hyrule Castle where he laid dormant for many millennia.